In The Workshop
With over fifty years of experience in restoring grand and baby grand pianos, we have had plenty of time to refine our meticulous process. We guarantee that you will be delighted with the results of our careful work as our craftsmen restore your piano. There are up to 25 steps in this process as follows:
Disassemble the cabinet and parts.
Remove the cast iron plate.
Sand and refinish the bridges and soundboard.
Strip and sand the cabinet, furniture parts and bench.
Restore original key covering or replace.
Finish in the original color and sheen with 22 coats of lacquer.
Clean, sand, re-gild and dress the plate with the appropriate felts.
Remove and inspect the pin block (duplicate if needed).
Remove and inspect the under-lever tray.
Tighten the under-levers and check the felt bushings along with the damper guide rail.
Re-bush action parts as needed.
Reinstall and align the cast iron plate.
Set the down bearing and install new strings and tuning pins.
Chip tune the piano strings to concert pitch.
Remove original felt from the damper blocks and refinish.
Cut and install new damper felt.
Regulate dampers to the back of the key and the sustain pedal.
Shape, file and space the hammers.
Establish the hammer height in relation to the key height and dip for proper after touch.
Adjust let-off, drop, and back checks.
Tune piano in shop, repeatedly adding tension to concert pitch.
Refine damper regulation after they have settled.
Clean and buff all cabinet hardware and assemble piano.
Fine tune to concert pitch.
Professionally transport and set-up the piano in your home or stage, and checking tuning.
This restoration process is one that we have had the pleasure and good fortune to perform on over thousands of pianos. Let us bring your piano back to life! Call us today for a free quote at (415) 456-9280 or email us to: